
Naruto Shippuden’s Itachi Arc in March with Kuguya’s Arc Later

The Kaguya arc which see’s Kaguya Otsutsuki battle against Naruto and Sasuke will continue on, but it’s been said that it shall continue after Itachi’s arc. Although, it’s now know how long Itachi’s story will last, therefore, it seems like Kaguya’s story will feature later in 2016.
The studio which a
nimates Naruto, Studio Pierrot, mentions that the arc will be “original”, however, it’s unclear what exactly this means, if it’s part of the canon anime or it being a sort of “filler”. It could either mean their own rendition on the story, or they could follow the canon work by Kishimoto. There isn’t a lot of information at the moment, if anything pops up, I’ll be sure to write about it.

The Kaguya arc which see’s Kaguya Otsutsuki battle against Naruto and Sasuke will continue on, but it’s been said that it shall continue after Itachi’s arc. Although, it’s now know how long Itachi’s story will last, therefore, it seems like Kaguya’s story will feature later in 2016.
So what do you think? Are you as pissed off as I am, seeing this series end will be nothing more than a drag for me from this point on. These extra stories, fillers, and so should just be what they are, extras, and be shown at the end or something, not in the middle of such a crucial and important moment. Nevertheless, be sure to comment down below to tell me what you think.
Naruto Shippuden’s Itachi Arc in March with Kuguya’s Arc Later Naruto Shippuden’s Itachi Arc in March with Kuguya’s Arc Later Reviewed by Unknown on 2:54 AM Rating: 5

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